A Message from the Mayor

Message from the Mayor:
I sincerely thank the entire Lyons Community for coming together this Independence Day weekend and sharing in the celebration of our Nation.
It was an honor to bring back Lyons Fest after more than 25 years. The festival drew thousands of familiar faces of all ages, all eager to take in the summer weather, carnival, food, drinks, and fantastic entertainment. Furthermore, the Village continued with our honored tradition of hosting our beloved parade and fireworks. Thankfully, all was carried out without incident.
The Village was able to host these events because of its dedicated and loyal staff. Special thanks to Parks and Recreation Director Ted Tala, Police Chief Tom Herion, Public Works Director Tito Rodriguez, Fire Chief Gordon Nord, and Village Manager Tom Sheahan for their devotion to the success and safety of our events and community.
Finally, I would like to extend our hearts and prayers to the families affected by the tragedy in Highland Park. We stand with them in this time of despair.
Christopher Getty

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