
Summer Yoga Classes

Summer Yoga Classes are taking place every Wednesday at 6 PM. They will be held on the tennis courts in Smith Park (in the case of inclement weather they will be moved to the Village Hall Community Room). Classes are free for Lyons residents and $5 for non-residents. Participants are encouraged to bring their own mat and water bottle.


Lyons Fest 2023

Mark your calendars for Lyons Fest 2023! The festival will take place from Friday, June 30 – Tuesday, July 4 at Veterans Park in Lyons. There will be carnival rides and games, live music, food, drinks, art/craft vendors, and more. The fest will be open each day from 4 PM – 11 PM and entry is free. A full festival

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Summer Fitness Classes

Trainer Stephan Alheim is back for Summer Fitness Classes. The classes kick off tomorrow at 11:30 AM at Smith Park. Classes will be held every Tuesday (6 PM) and Saturday (11:30 AM) now through Saturday, August 26. All skill levels are encouraged to come and participate in a summer of fitness. Classes are free for Lyons residents and $5 for

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Father’s Day Car Show

Our annual Father’s Day Car Show is June 18 from 9 AM – 4 PM at the Lyons Village Hall. Bring your family and friends for a day of impressive cars, great music, delicious food, and non-stop fun. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!


Annual Memorial Day Ceremony

Please join us at our annual Memorial Day Ceremony to remember and honor the courageous individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice. The ceremony will be held at the Eternal Flame (7830 Ogden Ave. in Lyons) on Monday, May 29 at 11 AM. We look forward to seeing you there.


2023-2024 Vehicle Stickers On Sale

2023-2024 Vehicle Stickers are now on sale! All stickers are $40 regardless of the type or size of the vehicle. They can be purchased in person at the Lyons Village Hall, by mail, or online at: https://magic.collectorsolutions.com/…/village-of-lyons Senior and handicap discounts are available with valid documentation and must be purchased in person. Reminder: Stickers must be purchased by Friday, June

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Early Voting

Early voting begins Monday, March 20 and runs through Monday, April 3 in the Village Hall Community Room. The polls will be open: Monday – Saturday: 9 AM – 5 PM Sundays: 10 AM – 4 PM


Spring Break Camp

Spring Break Camp will run from Monday, April 3 – Friday, April 7. The camp costs $100 per child for the week. The daily hours will be from 9 AM – 3 PM with before and after care available at an additional cost. It is open to all Lyons residents and students of District 103 (ages 5-13). The camp will

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Easter Egg Hunt

Join us on Sunday, April 2 for our annual Easter Egg Hunt in Cermak Park. The event will begin at 11 AM sharp so please arrive early. There will be food, music, candy, and prizes. We hope to see you there!


Notice of Requests For Proposals

PUBLIC NOTICE VILLAGE OF LYONS, ILLINOIS NOTICE OF REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS – Development of the Lyons Quarry Center NOTICE TO DEVELOPERS: The Village of Lyons invites developers to submit proposals for the redevelopment of all or a portion of the approximate 54-acre site located at 4400 S 1 st Ave in Lyons, IL. Sealed hard copy proposals must be received no

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