
Breakfast with Santa

Our annual Children’s Breakfast with Santa will be held on Sunday, December 4 at the Lyons Village Hall from 10 AM – 12 PM. Join us for a morning of food, crafts, and pictures with Santa. We hope to see you there!


Early Voting

Early Voting is happening now through Monday, November 7 in the community room at Village Hall. The polls are open: Monday – Saturday: 9 AM – 5 PM Sundays: 10 AM – 4 PM


Halloween Celebration

Join us Monday, October 31st for our annual Monsters in the Park Halloween Celebration. The event will be held at Smith Park from 4 PM – 8 PM. It will be a night full of music, bounce houses, hayrides, games, food, and more! Invite your friends and come on out. Trick-or-Treating will be held village-wide from 3 PM – 7

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Summer Fitness Classes

Only 5 sessions left of our summer fitness class! TrainerAlheim will be at Smith Park on Tuesdays at 6 PM and Saturdays at 12 (noon). Classes are free for residents and $5 for non-residents. Workouts are open to people of all fitness levels. Here is a schedule of the remaining classes: Saturday, July 23 @ 12 PM Tuesday, July 26

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Music in the Park

Music in the Park begins Wednesday, July 13 in Veterans Park and will run every Wednesday night through August from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Join us for nights of food, fun, and great music! Concert Lineup: July 13: Evil Burrito July 20: The Jolly Ringwalds July 27: 51 Lincoln Band (Rock & Blues) August 3: Fuze (Contemporary Latin Music)

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A Message from the Mayor

Message from the Mayor: I sincerely thank the entire Lyons Community for coming together this Independence Day weekend and sharing in the celebration of our Nation. It was an honor to bring back Lyons Fest after more than 25 years. The festival drew thousands of familiar faces of all ages, all eager to take in the summer weather, carnival, food,

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Music in the Park – Strung Out

Get the ultimate 70’s musical experience as Strung Out-Chicago performs this Wednesday, July 21 at Music in the Park from 6 PM – 9 PM in Veterans Park. Antoni 2 will be offering gyros for $3 and sodas for $1. The Village will be providing free bottled water and popcorn. We hope to see you there! Upcoming Performers: July 28

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Water & Garbage Rate Adjustments Starting July 1, 2021

Due to increases in water rates from the City of Chicago, the Village of Lyons is implementing a variable water rate adjustment beginning July 1, 2021. The flat rate for minimal residential water usage (4,000 gallons) will increase from $20 to $22/month or $40 to $44/billing cycle. Flat rates for residential multi-family & commercial users will remain unchanged. For every

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Now Hiring “Paid on Call” Firefighter / EMT – B

The Village of Lyons is seeking applicants with a strong desire to serve their community, for the appointed position of “Paid on Call” Firefighter / EMT – B (This is not a full time position) Applicants shall: Live within five (5) miles of the village at the time of appointment. Shall have at time of appointment or be required to

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New LED Street Lights

The Village of Lyons recently completed the installation of new LED lighting to all of the Village owned and operated street light fixtures. Mayor Getty said that the new LED lights provide a brighter White Light, as compared to the dimmer yellow lights of the old light fix­ture systems, and will also result in a significant reduction in elec­tricity costs

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